
Online/Virtual Client

If you’re a person ready to change but don’t know how to do that by yourself, or just simply overwhelmed with starting how to, Josh is the person who has been guiding, and continues to guide, me through my personal lifelong journey of holistic health when I first felt when I contacted him. I say holistic health because I have been encouraged and guided by Josh, on a weekly basis, to look at my habitual habits, not just with food and exercise, but with how I spend my time and how I destress. I have been committed to a year-long process with Josh Thomas, and I’m about 8 months in so far, and I can definitely say, with unwavering confidence, it’s the best investment I could have made of my time and energy. Why? Because being held accountable and not babied is something I really appreciate with Josh. I think his guidance on sticking takes slow and steady but creating the intention of wanting that change for myself as well.



