
Online/Virtual Client

Released 74lbs in only ONE year of Lifted Mindset Coaching!!!

A little over one year ago I woke up, looked in the mirror and decided I wasn’t going to waste another year hating my own reflection. No longer would I spend hours editing pictures to the point where I was left with a distorted shrunken version that looked nothing like myself. No longer would I let myself wake up feeling weak or like I didn’t deserve to be happy.

My journey has been full of things looking back I could have done better or differently and there’s been a lot of things I did good. But the most important thing was that I didn’t stop.


Even when the great Texas freeze happened, and I had to time out the rolling blackouts perfectly so I could hike through freezing snow to get to my apartment's gym just to get my workout in before losing power again. Even when there were weeks/ months that I would look in the mirror just to think I saw no change. Even when I unexpectedly lost my best friend in a car accident and just wanted to lay in bed for days and cry. I still didn’t quit and every time I refused to give up, little by little, I could feel myself get stronger and prouder. I started walking with my head held higher, I stopped being scared of looking people in the eyes when they talked to me, and for the first time in my life I didn’t care who might be better than me because I knew I was better than who I was yesterday and that was all that mattered to me at the end of every day.


For the first three months of my journey, I would go to the gym every single day just to keep my head down, head straight for the treadmill, walk for an hour, get off and dip out as fast as humanly possible. It wasn’t until mid-March that I finally got the courage to pull this complete stranger I had seen in the gym every day for those months aside and ask him if he was a trainer.


Fast forward 8 months and you can find me preaching to everyone, literally everyone, about that guy- Josh. I tell them how his programs/ guidance have helped me change my life, because they truly have. His programs have not only been astronomical in shaping my physique but have been challenging enough that from the amount of accomplishment I feel after finishing them, have helped build a confidence level that I haven’t seen in myself since I was a kid. When I started his programs I couldn’t even do one push up, now I can rep out 15 without pausing and actually enjoy it. His programs have helped me grow my passion for movement so much that now I’m an avid rock climber in my spare time. A year ago, my spare time would have been spent sitting watching TV, shopping, eating or drinking.


I know without a doubt I wouldn’t have come nearly this far if it wasn’t for Josh’s support. He helped me find myself again and for that I’m forever grateful.

